I have moved to a whole new better amazing blog-site!! You should head on over there and check ‘er out!! 🙂

So once again, come check me (that girl right above in the photo!) out at my NEW AMAZING BLOG

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Steven is 2!

Steven just turned two and was the funniest, happiest kid ever!  We played and played and played!! Check out how cute he is:

And he can be so serious… such a model!

So handsome.

Little feets!

Loved playing outside!

Walking with the wagon!


And one last big smile! 🙂

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Laura and Matt *round 2

The first part of Laura and Matt’s engagement shoot was in the dead of Wisconsin winter so we were stuck inside.  This time we headed to the great outdoors in some nice sunny weather!  I had a hard time picking favorite, but here are some:

How can you not love this big old red barn??

Pretttttyyyy ring 🙂

Thanks Laura and Matt!  You were awesome models!!!

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So Declan is almost 1 year old, and the only other time I got to meet him was back when he was only 2 1/2 months old!  He’s SO grown up now!  His hair is still fantastic and he is seriously one of THE cutest kids I have ever seen.  I headed out to Oconomowoc to take some photos of him around the house and lake!  I can’t even pick a few to show. So here are like 12 or so!

Declan’s Daddy is a big Yankee fan so he rocked his NY shirt for a few shots 🙂

Look at that face. For real. So cute.

Baby teeth 🙂

Mr. GQ.  Honestly what a little handsome model!  With his little man going to work outfit!

It was windy which was sooo funny because his long hair just blew all over!

His tie kills me. Just kills me.

A little help from Mommy to walk in the long grass.

I LOVE this one. I can’t even explain it but it is just GREAT!

Baby hands and feets!

This kid gets away with murder. No one can resist that smile.

Yummmy hands!

Oh Declan, could you BE any cuter?  Doubted.  Thanks for being a great sport even though it was kind of cold and you would have rather just played with your train. 🙂


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Ella is 9 Months Old!!

Ella is back!! I know she was missed 🙂 And she is 9 months old … at least she will be in a few days. So we took some photos… okay A LOT of photos!  I know I am super biased but she is soooooo cute!  And getting sooo big!

She loves playing in her crib (a new discovery for her since the mattress got lowered and she can peek through the bars!)

Awww look at that FACE!

One of my favorites:

Then she was over playing in the crib so we played by the windows! (hours of entertainment)

Baby bows!! 🙂


It was super windy which made me realize Ella now has enough hair not only to go in a bow but also to blow in the wind!!

Now, Ella won’t crawl but she will scoot on the hard wood floors if you bride her with food… first she see’s the puff:

Then she scoots closer:

Then she grabs it!:

Then she EATS IT!:  It’s thrilling.

Last but not least are two photos that sum Miss Ella up perfectly:  One second she’s lovin’ it…

The next she’s sooo over it and demands you play something else:

Ooookay one more just so everyone can see her cute little smiley face!! 🙂

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Baby Hunter!

Hunter is friends with Ella … well more like their moms are friends, but I bet they will be good buddies when they are a little older and can actually play together!!  So I got to take some 3-month-old pictures of Hunter today at his house! He was a STAR model. He seriously would smile as soon as I picked up the camera and started to click.  And he barely made a peep when we moved him all over the house! 🙂  Just look at that face:

He was full of smiles for me!

So calm and relaxed…

And here is his baby-model shot/ladies-man shot!

Loved the blue sweater! He already has impeccable style!

Gotta have baby feets!!!

Check out those amazing blue eyes… I am jealous.

Thanks for being awesome Hunter!! I can’t wait to take more pictures of you as you get bigger and bigger!!!

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Libby is 6 Months Old!

Today little Libby came over to play with Ella and have her pictures taken because she is 6 months old!! And man was she ready to go, go, go!!  She had lots of smiles to give, and I had a hard time picking out which photos to put up here 🙂

She was very interested in that big thing I was pointing at her! She’d never seen such a big camera in her whole 6 months of life!

I love me some baby feets!

And look at that grin 🙂

Gosh she is just precious!

Libby loved to practice standing while holding on to Mommy’s fingers!

Then the mini-model had an outfit change! She must have loved the new dress because look at that smile!!

Here she is showing me how pretty her blue sun dress is 🙂

I loved her little curl in her hair! Precious.

These last two were just SO cute I couldn’t decide between them! So you get to see them both!

Thanks for coming to play and model Libby!  And thanks for being such a great sport and giving me lots of smiles to work with!

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Ella’s photo shoot!

Ella and I played around yesterday because A) she was in a GREAT mood B) she was wearing a super cute outfit and C) I had a silly idea I wanted to try out!!  …. And here is my most favorite picture of Ella probably EVER!  It looks like she was just caught juggling oranges! Pahaha.

And here she is looking b-e-a-utiful!

You can see her little first tooth comin’ in!!

She wanted to eat the oranges, so that tongue was out pretty much non-stop

LOOK at that face.  She wanted to show the dummies at Regis and Kelly that said she wasn’t pretty enough to win their contest and be a model for parenting magazine.

And then just a happy shot of bare baby feets and pretty oranges to make you smile!

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So Ella had all her best friends over for an all-girls playgroup! And of course I went too because I just love little babies! These 8 beauties had so much fun together and I can only imagine it will just get more and more fun as they get older and start to really interact and play together!  And, per my usual style, I brought my camera along with a goal to get a good shot of each little girly!

To start we have the hostess-with-the-mostess… Miss Ella

And then we have Miss Eliza with the long luxurious hair that all the other babies were jealous of (not that you can tell in this picture!)

Then there is the girl with all the smiles and the tongue that she knows how to stick out at everyone … Miss Addalin (and though I LOVE her name… I have no clue how to spell it!)

And Miss Libby is just a little bundle of energy. She just wants to go go go: standing up on everything she could grab!

And then there is the oldest of the bunch who was teaching everyone how to walk and has an abundance of curiosity: Miss Sutton (another name I love and have no idea how to spell…)

Then there is another one of the littles who was just trying to take in everything going on so she could learn to be like the “big girls” … Miss Hana

And this smiley cutie is the only girl with sibling (two big brothers no less!) so she was completely unfazed by the chaos of 8 babies! … Miss Morgan

And last but most certainly NOT least is Miss Zoe who was 100% determined to get around and discover all the new things there were to see as she was just learning how to crawl

Gosh, could you even dream of a better looking group of little ladies?!  I will just answer that for you: NOPE!


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I heart faces… Kisses!

Ella’s valentine is Harper the dog!  Don’t let her face fool you though… she LOVES Harper kisses!


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